Tuesday, November 23, 2010

...I draw pictures. poorly.

Yes, it's true. But then again, I also do this when people are in the room.  In fact, most of my drawing occurs in a room full of people.  People who are discussing things that I should, but generally do not, care about.  OK, so mostly I just draw in meetings when I'm bored, and I do it mostly to stay awake.  There is something about a three hour meeting in which I don't get to participate that just makes me tired, no matter what time of day it is.  The sun is warm on my back, my eyelids inevitably start to slide shut, and my head nods (which I try to pass off as agreeing with whatever is being said). Somehow micronaps have the power to overcome any and all of my good staying-awake intentions. This is especially true when everyone already know the outcome of the meeting, but we have to sit there for three hours listening to five people -who don't even work for us-  banter back and forth only to eventually tell us what we already know.  Which makes these meetings pointless.  Completely. Pointless.  The upshot to this waste of time is that they feed us.  But this doesn't go very far in terms of keeping me awake.  In fact, sometimes I think it just makes me more sleepy. 

So, in my quest to stay awake and not get fired during these redundant gatherings, I've turned to drawing.  Scribbling is perhaps a more appropriate term.  My attempts at art are honestly quite sad, and frequently resemble (if you can even decipher what I was trying to depict in the first place) something a six year old would bring home from kindergarten.  While I'm by no means proud of these doodles, I happen to have amassed a small pile of them on random scraps of paper.  For your viewing pleasure I've created a page dedicated solely to these masterpieces of boredom.  I'll continue to add them as they come about (and also after I get my printer/scanner hooked up to my laptop again.  You'd think after nine months in my current apartment it'd be all set, but no).

From my calendar, I can see that I have not just one, but two of these never-ending meetings coming up right after Thanksgiving.  So prepare yourself for a miraculous show.


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