Tuesday, January 4, 2011

so uh....

So yea, I have a funny little story for you today, courtesy of my lame apartment complex.  Allow me to explain.

This morning when my phone alarm clock went off at 6:35 I hit snooze and refused to get up (which isn't unusual).  It went off again, over and over until about 6:55 when I finally decided I should probably wake up and make the effort to shower.  But I'm starting to think someone, somewhere likes me dirty.  Because right as I lifted my head and did the cliche stretch and blink (still in bed because my apartment is freezing), I heard a little click and the power went out.  All of my clocks went blank and the heater turned off.  Why the hell did this happen?  I have no idea, especially since no one has anything turned on yet at such an ungodly hour.  But my apartment complex is lame and the power tends to flick on and off at times.  I swear I don't live in a ghetto, but something is seriously up with the electrical.  Frequently I picture a little mouse behind my walls chewing away at the wires or something.  Or I picture the retarded electrical sparking a fire and burning down all of my earthly possessions.  Because I'm cheery like that.  But I digress.

Anyway, since I'm used to having the power flick back on, I figure I'll stay in bed and wait it out since there's no use taking a shower if I can't dry my hair (since it's maybe 10 degrees outside) and there's no use getting out of warm bed to wander around my cold apartment when the heater is off.  So I wait.  And nap.  And wait.  Nothing happens.  7:30 finally rolls around and my apartment is still dark, cold, and powerless, but I don't want to be late for work.  So I get up and stumble around in the dark to find clothes, throw my hair in a ponytail (with cute braided hairband Blondie gave me for Christmas!) and give my best attempt at putting on some makeup blind. Cool.  I'm set, even if i do feel like a scummer for not washing my hair for the second day in a row.*

Fast forward to ten minutes ago when I had to pee from drinking three cups of hot cocoa.  Cue me finishing up and looking down.  Insert chagrined face as I realize I am not a vampire, I cannot see in the dark, and my underwear is inside out.  Awesome. I love my life.

*Usually I'm a nazi about taking showers etc.  I like being clean.  However coming back from break does things to a person.  Yesterday my desire to sleep longer outweighed my desire to wash my hair.  Don't get me wrong, I showered.  But there was no hair washing involved thanks to my handy dandy shower cap.  and my hair still looked perfect from the day before because God is amazing and created the CHI straightener. Which he then gave me for Christmas because it solves all hair evils.  Or maybe it was from GMK (my brother, dear readers).  Who knows.


  1. I totally wish I was there when you realized. Sigh.

  2. You wish you were in the bathroom with me?? or just in the general area so you could mock me? I'm gonna go with the second one.

  3. Well to mock you of course. And to hear what you would have said if I were there to hear it because I'm sure it would have been entertaining.
